Sunday 30 December 2018

Habits to Make Your Child Creative and Active by Helene Goldnadel

Being impressive and innovative at young age is a sign of great success. This creativity can be developed from childhood. The creative and funny behavior of a child is very important to do well at school. These activities will help your child to perform well and have fun in every situation whether it could be home, schools, or some holiday visit.

There are many easy and funny habits that will help in encouraging creativity in the children at home and this practice will be funny for you too. Helene Goldnadel discusses some of them below:

Playing creative Games - Playing games with your kids should always be a great fun. When a normal playground game doesn't seem innovative, the let your creativeness takes over. Try to play imaginary games with your child or make some game by engaging with the kid. These types of inventive games will make your child to stay dynamic and keep amused for long hours.

Making a new story - Stories are full of knowledge and wisdom. Children are interested in listening to stories right before the bed time. Try to make a new story every time for the kid, and it must be innovative, humor and some kind of knowledge too. It will help children to think of what can happen in some particular situation. You can engage with your kid by making up an interesting story together, inspiring your teen to think of what is going to come about next.

Make Drawings - It is real fact that an image can speak thousand words. Instead of making your child to learn by writing things, inspire your kid for making drawings. Research on children shows that drawing help kids to remember things and learning new things too. And image can stay for longer time in a kid's mind. Drawings and Paintings are real source of creativeness.

Artistic work - Well, it might be cluttered but let your child to get some finger paints and chart papers and let them draw and decorate whatever come in their mind. It's going to be a funny approach of presenting them that there are no limits for success and they can attain anything if they want to get it.

Spending time with your kid - This is the most important way in which your teen can learn new things and habits. Stay together with your child while drawing, painting, or making something else, and in this way your child will get the opportunity to learn many things which they might not have come up on the other hand. You can help them in understanding different scenarios of different tasks.

Singing and Dancing - Music is the way to peace. Encourage your child to sing or play some music instrument. Singing and dancing is an art as well as the best way to overcome stress. Get involved in some drama or play, which will help in exploring the creativity in your child.

Thursday 20 December 2018

Learning Styles in the Classroom for Creative Kids by Helene Goldnadel

Once you have discovered your child's learning styles and multiple intelligence, there is a good chance you will discover they are at odds with the way lessons are traditionally taught in the school system. How can you go about making sure your child gets the best opportunities to learn? Here are some strategies discussed by Helene Goldnadel a life coach and child development teacher:

Get To Know Your Child's teacher -
This should be your first and most important step going forward. Teachers want their students to succeed but in most cases the deck is stacked against them. Standardized testing, rigid curriculum, cost cuts, large class sizes, and lack of support are all challenges that teachers face every day.

Getting to know your child's teacher gives you and your child an advantage. It lets the teacher know you are involved and concerned about your child. You can pass on valuable information - such as your child's different learning styles and issues they may be having that the teacher is not aware of.

Scheduling a face to face meeting with your child's new teacher each year should be a priority. Call and find a time that is good for them. Dropping in or trying to discuss your child at the end of a school day is usually frustrating and not successful as the teacher needs a clear head and schedule to absorb and address your concerns.

Come Prepared -
Make the most of any meetings you have with teachers by being prepared. Create a list of the issues you want to address and have an idea of what outcomes you would like to see. It shows you are proactive and, if you offer solutions instead of just a whole bunch of problems, you are more likely to get what you want.

If your child is having difficulty in school because of their preferred learning style or multiple intelligence, look for solutions that are easy to implement in the classroom. See if there is any flexibility in how projects are done.

If your child is an auditory learner, see if they can do a presentation as opposed to a written report. If they are Kinesthetic see if they can get up and stretch from time to time. Incorporating stretching exercises, even for a few minutes at a time throughout the day, makes all students learn better. If your student is visual, practice good note taking skills at home and have kids write down any instructions they receive verbally. This will help them process the task at hand.

Offer Assistance -
If there are any ways you can get involved, teachers are generally very grateful for the help. Does your child's class have parent helpers? Sign up!

See if there is any material the teacher needs that you (or a parent association, or community member) could help provide. There are lots of free resources out there that teachers don't have the time to track down. Many teachers operate on a tight budget, and any "extra" things such as art supplies or teaching aids that do cater to other learning styles are usually bought out of the teacher's own pocket. It gets expensive to be a good teacher.

If there is a skill you have that you can share that might benefit the students, see if you can come in and teach a lesson. If your child is Kinesthetic you could teach a quick lessons on exercises you can do while sitting in their seats (look up instructions for exercises to do while flying for ideas). This wold be great for students who have to be active while they are learning.

Find Out What You Can Do At Home -
Ask your teacher for suggestions on ways you can help your child learn better at home. See if they can recommend any extra resources for you. It might take your child a little longer to finish their homework if you have to present it in a way that fits their learning style but it is worth it!

Sunday 9 December 2018

How You Can Advocate For Your Child With A Learning Disability?

What exactly is an advocate? An advocate is someone who speaks up for someone else, or who acts on behalf of another person. As a parent, you know your child better than anyone else, and you are in the best position to speak for him and act on his behalf.

Here are the ways discussed by Helene Goldnadel, you can do that:

1) Realize from the beginning that advocating for your child takes a lot of time. Advocating involves a great deal of research, meeting time, and communication. That’s a given. But the end result will be a successful, responsible, happy young adult who will be able to survive the pitfalls of the real world.

2) Be informed. The more you know about what is going on with your child, the more comfortable you will be in helping others understand him. Here are some ways you can become informed:
  • Read all you can about learning disabilities (especially your child’s learning disability).
  • Attend conferences. That’s a great way to learn and make contact with other people faced with similar issues.
  • Ask questions - seek answers.
  • Join a support group if there is one available. You can learn a lot from a support group.

3) Become familiar with the rules and regulations that apply to your child’s special education program. You request copies of the regulations from your local school district office (the special education office, if your district has one) or from your state Department of Education. If you have difficulty understanding these rules and regulations, don’t be afraid to ask the special education director or your child’s special education teacher to explain them to you.

4) Work together closely with the professionals who work with your child. This should be done in a positive, cohesive way in order for the child to gain the maximum benefit. Get to know these people - talk with them on a regular basis. Volunteer in the classroom. Don’t be afraid to ask for a meeting with the teacher(s) if you see something going on at home that can be helped at school, or vice versa.

5) Keep track of the paperwork that is given to you at the team meetings. This is valuable information that should be kept in an organized place so that you can refer to it easily. If you aren’t sure how to do this, talk with the special education director or special education teacher. They have a system to keep the records organized in the office. Perhaps they would share that with you.

6) Don’t be afraid to communicate with the professionals. Be prepared when you go to the team meetings, and don’t be afraid to calmly and assertively state your views. Take notes into the meeting with you so you won’t forget the questions you want to ask or the points you want to make. Remember, the professionals need insight from you as much as you need insight from them. The more communication you have, the more powerful the educational team to help your child.

7) Don’t be afraid to ask questions. The field of special education is as complex as your child’s needs. Asking questions doesn’t mean that you are stupid. It just means that you are interested in your child’s education and well- being and want to be an informed parent. You will most likely hear the professionals asking lots of questions as well!!!

8) Keep the lines of communication open with your child. Talk with him about his life both in and outside school. Allow him to express his frustrations, his successes, his disappointments, his hopes, his likes and his dislikes. The better you know your child and what is going on with him, the better you can help other people to work with him.

9) Know your child’s strengths and weaknesses and share them with the professionals. Children with learning disabilities, although they have weaker areas, have many strong areas, too. By highlighting these areas, it makes it easier for the professionals to use them as tools to strengthen the weaker skills. It helps them see the child in a more positive light, and it helps them relate to the child. And it helps your child’s self-esteem to know that the teachers see good things in him.

10) Help your child learn to advocate for himself as early as possible. As time goes on, and your child has heard you advocate for him, he will be able to understand how to advocate for himself. If he’s heard you say positive things, not only does it increase his self-esteem but it gives him the confidence to speak up for what he needs. Teach him how to communicate how he learns best, what he needs to help him get the most from his classes, and how he feels when confronted with certain issues, such as testing and peer pressure. Give him the power to make his life a success.

You can help your child be able to be a successful, happy, responsible student, well on his way to being the same kind of adult. Advocate for him.

Wednesday 5 December 2018

Making a Child Learn From His Mistakes

You have just cleaned your room and soon after that your children spilled over and spoiled your new bed sheet, left the bread crumbs and stains on the floor. What would you do? Yell at them and give them a time out. Or ask them to clean the room immediately and snatch away their favorite toy? Or would you forgive them for their mistake and forget it?

Well it's not at all easy to forgive their mistake. After all they should learn to keep their house clean and better not do such things again. But for a moment think about it. Is yelling do anything good? Is physical punishment going to teach them not to repeat the mistakes?

May be, sometimes it helps but not always. Then what can be done to make the children reduce their number of mistakes. For that we need to understand below mentioned points discussed by Helene Goldnadel a life coach:
  • First thing, as a human we are prone to make mistakes and so are kids. We are actually over expecting if we think that the kids will not commit any mistakes or not repeat them. They are bound to do something new and in the process make new mistakes. This needs to be accepted to keep your head cool.
  • Secondly, kids are too curious and impatient to wait for you to come. They just want to get into the depth of things, do their own research and surprise you of their findings.
  • Children are not so good at concentration and get distracted at slightest thing. Like while keeping the dish in the sink, Joe gets attracted to the new bottle on the shelf. And he board on to find out. He may hurt himself if he loses his balance or may be ends up breaking up something in the kitchen.
  • Kids make mistakes often in spite of your warnings. This can be a kind of attention seeking behavior and to show off their anger or disgust.

In all the above situations, strict behavior, spanking or screaming by parents will have long- term adverse effects on the child. He may stop listening to the instructions and turn defiant. He may also lose interest in learning new things which is also not healthy for child development.

So if all these methods do not work then maybe you need to change your method of dealing with your child. It's better to forgive him at times and make him learn in gentle and loving way.

Sunday 2 December 2018

Common Misconceptions about Learning Disabilities

Various forms of learning disabilities are known to affect students from all across the globe. And yet, the children who suffer from learning disabilities tend to face discrimination in one form or another throughout their childhood. Even individuals who are considered to be tolerant and understanding can become prejudiced when it comes to dealing with differently-abled children. Educating these children is no easy task, with several special education schools have been established over the last decade. These schools have taken it upon themselves to provide education to differently-abled children.

Several misconceptions cloud the real meaning of a learning disability. Some of them discussed by Helene Goldnadel are below:

Learning Disability is similar to other disorders

Learning disabilities are not one single thing, but rather a category that covers a variety of disorders that can potentially become obstacles for success. It's an all-encompassing term that points to weaknesses in areas such as reading, writing, spelling, math, and social skills, just to name a few, and is theorized to result from defective or disorganized ways that information is processed in the brain. Individuals with a learning disability do not necessarily suffer from low intelligence, a lack of motivation or other such factors. Their underachievement is, at least initially, unexpected and unexplained, which is why the term is often misunderstood. The special education schools understand this, and thus deal their students and their disabilities using professional strategies that are designed to handle them in the most effective manner.

Learning disabilities can be easily diagnosed

There is no easy or definitive way to diagnose a learning disability. There's no blood test or X-ray that can be done as part of a child's annual checkup that can detect a learning disability. Even the most advanced medical technology and equipment cannot predict a learning disorder. However, it is known that sometimes LD runs in the family, and a family history of educational deficiencies can be an indication of risk. Furthermore, teachers and caregivers need to offer continuous, detailed information about the child's progress while attending a special education school and how well they respond to given instructions. Performances have to be documented by specialists on evaluations designed to utilize academic skill and the ways that the child processes information. Many other factors such as attention, behavior, and medical history also need to be considered.

Learning disabilities are an indication of low IQ

Below-normal academic performance is not an indication of low intelligence quotient, and does not arise from learning disability. These processing disorders occur for reasons other than diminished reasoning capacity. Factors like poor vision, hearing problems, environmental or cultural factors do not play a part in it. Children with LD have the mental capacity to do well, but since their brains are wired in a different way, they struggle to accomplish tasks that are necessary to success in school and in life. Special education schools consider these factors among many others, and need to make sure that their curriculum revolves around their students' interests, and not the other way around.

Thursday 29 November 2018

Child Talent - Avoid Pressure

Does your son or daughter have a specific talent or skill? How can you best enhance their experiences for their own development? One of the things according to Helene Goldnadel to avoid is that of pressurizing a child.

It is all too common for parents to see an emerging talent and believe that the best way to foster it (and thereby get the child to become an advanced expert) is to push and drive the child as much as they can. But where does this leave the child who, for whatever reason, has tired of the activity and wishes, simply, to follow a different path?

It can be difficult for parents especially when a child has a talent that could so easily develop into something that might serve them well in the future. How much of this belief is actually in the hopes and minds of the parents is not entirely clear, but pushing a child that has no long term interest, is wrong.

What can, therefore be done to help in this situation?

  • Encourage (not drive ) your child - encouragement is a positive response
  • Take the time to immerse yourself in their activity - if you do it, they might too
  • Make everything entertaining and fun - positive feedback is always important
  • Always praise and never scold - negativity is a recipe for disaster

Children will naturally find their own level and this may include doing things that a parent would consider to be a backward step. Physical and emotional development brings with it a natural force and pull for a child. A parent would do well to observe and encourage rather than dismiss and criticize.

Also read: Creative Ways by Helene Goldnadel to Supplement Your Child's Music Class

Saturday 24 November 2018

The Singing Voice is An Instrument

Many people do not think of the singing voice as a musical instrument. Actually, it is the primary instrument as it existed prior to the invention of any other instrument which accompanies a singer or plays alone. As with any instrument, the singing voice can be trained and well cared for and, in doing this, the singer will keep in practice and keep their instrument well "tuned".

As with any musical instrument, the singing voice ought to be kept well tuned. One way of doing this is to keep the vocal chords as relaxed as possible when singing, so that their vibrations will produce an optimal vocal quality. One way of relaxing the vocal chords is to not force the sound through them.

As a muscle, the diaphragm can be trained to perform to the singer's requirements, whether the need be long sustained notes, short staccato notes or projecting the singing voice when microphones are not available. The diaphragm is the muscle which divides the lungs from the abdomen and which the body uses to regulate air intake and output from the lungs.

The way the lips, the facial sinuses and the tongue are used for vocal production will determine the quality of sound the singer emits. Singing lessons, from a well-qualified instructor, will help a student learn how to use these parts of their instrument to produce the best sound. Producing good to excellent singing depends on more than just the vocal chords.

Singing lessons are, therefore, just as important to train the singing voice as are lessons for any other instrument if the performer wishes to make the best of their vocal instrument. Just as a person's speaking voice is unique, so will be their singing voice. A singer might be influenced by a certain style, or aspire to sound like another singer, but the best results will occur if the singer is true to the sound produced by their own voice.

Training will help a singer invest in their own voice. A singing coach like Helene Goldnadel will best be able to guide a singer in how to use their instrument by introducing exercises to condition the areas and muscles of the body which support sound, such as the diaphragm, the lungs, the abdomen, the lips, the tongue and the facial sinuses. An experienced coach like Helene Goldnadel will also advise that the vocal chords will require warm up and cool down periods.

Like any well-tuned equipment or instrument, the vocal chords must be warmed up to produce their best quality sound. Similarly they ought to be clear of mucus and food well in advance of using them for singing. There will be different exercises introduced for various sound and pitch formations, for various singing styles and for the various locations of producing different sound qualities such as tone and color. A well-trained, professional vocal coach will teach a singer when and what to eat before singing as well as how to rest the vocal chords between singing engagements.

A good vocal coach will also insist that the vocal chords stay well hydrated. The singer will be encouraged to drink plenty of water before and after a singing lesson or engagement. A singer will also be encouraged to sip water between tunes when performing in order to keep the vocal chords well hydrated as well as all the muscle systems which support them.

A singer ought to record their singing voice during lessons and during performance so that they can hear and recognize areas which might require more work. As with any other instrument, developing this one requires study, dedication, commitment, practice and time.

Tuesday 20 November 2018

Child Development Milestones and You, the Parent

A child is like a fragile kite. They soar high depending on how you pull on the kite strings. Parents are the ones holding the strings during child development. It is very important that during the early years of your child, you provide good inputs that he or she will carry on as he or she grows up. The biological and psychological changes that occur through the early years of our lives are the very foundation of our morale and disposition.

Childhood development is sometimes defined as the process which involves learning and mastering skills called developmental milestones like sitting, walking and standing.

There are five major areas of development. Learning to solve problems is the child's cognitive ability. A milestone in this area would be identifying self in the mirror. The social and emotional development of the child is his ability to relate and mingle with others, as well as self-control and self-reliance. Being able to feed oneself is a milestone for this area. It is also important to learn and use language and this is under speech and language development. Some milestones in this area are babbling and speaking simple words such as "Mom", etc. Simple movements of the muscles such holding a spoon or picking up objects is included in fine motor skill development. Another is the use of bigger and more complex muscles like in sitting and standing and this is called gross motor skill development.

The best way to develop your child holistically is to be there for them. Providing time for your children is a great way to ensure that they grow to be well-adjusted adults. Though sometimes we have to let them discover the world on their own, it is also vital that you gave way for bonding moments with your kids. This makes them feel loved and important and boosts their morale. It also gives them a chance to open up problems and worries and for parents to help them work things out.

Time spent with children is time well spent. It allows unforgettable moments with fun and learning. It also reduces behavior problems of the children in their later ages since it builds and strengthens parent-child communication. Also, this will help your child meet his or her developmental milestones because of the support that they get from you as their parents. Interact with your child and give them insights every now and then.

Helene Goldnadel
suggests you to understand the needs of your child and he or she will become an asset of the society.

To read more, visit here:

Saturday 17 November 2018

Child Sensory Development - Helene Goldnadel

Promoting Sensory Development in Children

At birth, your baby's senses tell him the things he needs in order to survive: when to be fed, and when to sleep. Neither of you is focusing on auditory, visual, or tactile development, but you both soon will be. These senses unfold slowly, but perceptibly, and soon you'll realize that your baby is seeing more clearly, turning his head to the sound of your voice, and wants to grasp objects.

As your baby grows, you'll find it a constant but rewarding challenge to keep him engaged, and you can help to develop his sensory awareness from infancy through the preschool years.

Infant Sensory Development

Your baby has been able to hear since before birth, and likely recognizes your voice. Simply talking to your baby about anything will help to imprint language on his developing mind. While there is debate over the benefits of playing classical music for babies, certainly quiet music may soothe and comfort baby. Lullabies have survived years of parenting because they calm and reassure both infant and parent. The gentle rhythm of music can mimic the heartbeat sounds your baby has heard so long in utero and will help prepare him for language development.

Babies love to look at faces, whether yours or representations of them. Keep a picture book of faces on the changing table for your baby to study as you change him. Bright, contrasting designs like black and white graphics will stimulate his vision, particularly when he is still in the newborn stage of seeing stark contrast versus detail.

As your baby is able to hold objects, offer him a variety of textures to touch. Fuzzy blankets or bumpy teething toys will help his fine motor skills and keep him interested. Your baby will discover that anything he can hold can go straight to his mouth, and as he begins to teethe, he will appreciate raised textures and cool teething rings.

Toddler Sensory Development

Toddlers seem to be natural musicians. Banging on pots and pans, singing loudly, and stomping on the floor all bring that wonderful sense of "I did it!" to your developing toddler. Remember the classics from your childhood and some new songs from the many rock-bands-turned-children's-bands, and be prepared to sing or play them over and over. Toddlers love repetition, so don't be surprised if you can't get "Five Green and Speckled Frogs" out of your head for days on end.

Picture books are terrific ways to stimulate your toddler's visual senses. Keep on hand a revolving stack of picture books with bright, interesting designs, and your toddler will gravitate toward studying their pages.

Modeling clay, Play-Doh, and finger paints, while potentially messy, are wonderful avenues of discovery for your toddler. The various textures will encourage his small motor development and help prepare him for handwriting. You can find many homemade modeling compound recipes that are non-toxic and easy to make.

Preschool Sensory Development

Preschoolers thrive on sensory stimulation. At this age, they're ready to make differentiation between sounds, experimenting with their own voices and making imaginative play a daily routine. Watch as your preschooler plays with puppets or figures, and you're sure to find he assigns different voices to different characters. Encourage your child to listen to various birdcalls, for instance, and talk about how genres of music sound different and use different instruments.

Your child's artistic talents are growing, too, and painting and drawing are excellent ways to let your preschooler experiment with light, composition, and color. Keep crayons and markers and non-toxic paints on hand, and he'll naturally produce visual art masterpieces you'll want to showcase around your house.

Helene Goldnadel suggests you to allow your preschooler to experiment with textures and sensations, too. Sandboxes, mudpies, or lacing cards and simple sewing projects will help him to differentiate between textures and develop his tactile senses.

Fostering Sensory Development

Since humans incorporate vision, hearing, and touching in everyday life, you don't need any special or technical items to develop these senses in your child. Take a look at and listen to your everyday life. The birdfeeder, the sunset, and the feel of dirt in the springtime are all perfect opportunities to engage your child's senses, and will remind you to take a moment to enjoy these things as well.

Tuesday 13 November 2018

If Your Kid Has a Great Voice - Let It Shine!

Helene Goldnadel observes from her experience that children love to sing - and when they do so they can often sing with a confidence and freedom that can fade as we grow older. It is very important to nurture these wonderful qualities from the start.

Singing lessons for children are designed to teach your child the skills needed to strengthen and control the voice, whilst remaining fun and enjoyable. The voice is still developing as we grow through our teenage years so finding suitable exercises is very important.

Lessons are combined with 'song practice.' This is where we finish the session with a song that is chosen by the student - we have many backing tracks available, from 'High School Musical' to 'Lilly Allen!'

Finding time in our busy schedules whilst making sure that our children are well supervised can be difficult. In my experience lessons work more effectively when taught in the comfort of your own home. This allows your child to learn within a relaxed and familiar environment.

Music happens to be one of those rare things which each and every child enjoys. Though most 5 year olds, 6 year olds, 8 year olds, etc. are at an age where they are too young to understand music theories or music appreciation, nevertheless, nearly all of them enjoy the 'sound' of music. This is something which is very important, and it is often a very decisive factor in a child pursuing music or developing a serious interest in music at a later stage.

Singing happens to be one aspect of music that most kids are introduced to in the early stages of school. A friendly-looking music teacher, whose slightly plump, with rimmed glasses that rest at the tip of her nose, sitting at the piano, teaching "Popeye the Sailorman" to a bunch of young enthusiastic kiddos, is a very common sight, and one which instantly brings a smile on the face of any bystander. Well, the liking for music (not to mention, the increasing influence of reality shows) has led to quite a few children developing a serious interest in music, and in particular, singing. Well, for all you kids and young children who wish to sing well, here are some singing tips for kids.

Singing Tips for Kids

Rather than enlisting any specific singing lessons for kids, Helene Goldnadel instead presents a few important, but often ignored kids singing tips. On that note, here are some singing tips and tricks by Helene Goldnadel that kids must make a 'note' of, if they are serious about pursuing singing.

First and foremost, learn to enjoy music, as this is something that is very, very important. You will automatically get better at music (this applies to both, singers as well as musicians) if you enjoy it genuinely, from within.

Pay attention to all that your music teacher says and teaches in school. Quite often, it is in school itself where the foundation of music is laid. Show keen interest in all that is taught in your school music sessions. If you develop a genuine interest in those music sessions, it will pave the way for better things to come.

Getting proper vocal training from a vocal trainer is very important for a singer. A vocal trainer is different from a music teacher, do not get confused between the two. A music teacher will teach you all about musical notations, musical notes, music styles, music theory, etc. while a vocal trainer on the other hand, will teach you about throat care, how to properly utilize your vocal chords while singing, how to modulate your voice, how to tackle high notes, etc. Vocal training is extremely important, as improper or incorrect singing techniques can seriously cause damage to your vocal chords both temporarily, as well as permanently.

Don't get carried away by what you see on television. Many a time, it so happens that kids think of taking up singing only because they see their favorite singers and pop stars performing on television; singing, dancing, and getting showered with lots of adulation from thousands of fans. Always remember, it takes years of practice, discipline and continuous hard work to reach that pedestal. Stardom doesn't happen overnight. You need to be sincere about singing and you should keep on practicing regularly. Do not be on the lookout for shortcuts, as there aren't any.

Saturday 10 November 2018

Helene Goldnadel Believes Voice Improvement Is Essential to Personal Development

It is such a big loss for people who have attached much importance on personal development have overlooked the great tool of their own voice. Are you one of them?

Your voice is power. It reflects everything about you to the world and determines whether you are being heard, respected and trusted, or being ignored, interrupted and doubted. When you find your true voice, it will empower you and become a valuable asset to you.

You will sound more professional

Do you have a nasal voice that turns people off and leaves people think you are less capable than you really are? Do you speak so softly that you were asked to repeat yourself constantly and are considered unconfident and unsure? Do you talk so fast that people can't catch up with you and think you are too nervous? Do you speak with a monotone that makes all your listeners lose interest and think you are incapable of engaging and inspiring others?

Proper voice training will not only eliminate all of the voice problems mentioned above, but problems like breathy, breathless, strident, harsh, loud, etc., which all project a negative and unprofessional image and hinder your career advancement. Don't let your voice hold you back. You do have a better voice inside and can be developed. Make some efforts on your voice improvement and let it work for you.

You will sound more mature

Do you sound too young to be taken seriously? Do you have a voice that sounds like 21-year-old that stops you from advancement?

An immature voice is thin and without any depth. It only travels out of your throat and comes through your mouth. With proper voice training, you'll not only discover a more mature voice that is with depth, resonance and warmth, but get to know yourself in a deeper level.

Your confidence level will soar

Won't you feel confident whenever you speak you are being heard, respected and trusted with a mature, resonant and magnetic voice? Your confidence is attributed to not only a greater voice you have developed, but to appreciation of yourself and faith in yourself.

Your voice is a powerful tool for your personal development. It carries potentials for influence and inspiration over yourself as well as people around you. Why aren't you taking advantage of this great tool?

Helene Goldnadel is a voice and speech coach and trainer, based in California. She helps young learners discover their inner true voice that is authentic and confident. She also helps organizations on voice and presentation skills training of youngster.

To learn more about Helene, please click here!

Saturday 3 November 2018

How to Instill Confidence in Your Toddler?

As your baby arrives at the toddler stage, he or she will be starting to develop self-awareness in terms of what they look like and are able to do. A baby's first birthday often coincides with this phase and your child at this stage will be beginning to develop an opinion about himself, which will largely be based on how others appear to act towards him or her. So you can see the importance of ensuring that right from the outset, it's essential to instill self-confidence in your toddler. Otherwise it could take years of therapy in adult life to correct the mistakes that were made early on.

Here are some ways discussed by Helene Goldnadel to give your child confidence:
  • Praise your child as much as possible even when they accomplish something that seems simple or small. Heap affection and kind words on your toddler so that they really begin to build a sense of self-worth that will give them the encouragement to try new things that all contribute to their development.

  • Be extremely affectionate to your child at all times, so that he or she knows that they are loved unconditionally. Even though they don't yet understand the words, tell your baby that you love him or her and shower them with hugs and kisses. A loved baby often equals a confident baby. 

  • Offer basic choices to your toddler, so that they know that you value their opinion. For instance when dressing your child, hold out two different colors of socks and let your baby choose which to wear. Even though it will take quite a while before they realize that they're being offered a choice, they'll get there in the end and once they do realize that their opinion is valued and they get a 'voice', this will instill confidence in them.

  • Even before your toddler has developed language skills, you can show your baby that you are listening to what he or she has to say. This will make them feel confident as it shows that you think what they have to say is interesting and important.

  • As parents you should chat to your toddler as much as possible, so that your child knows that you find them a good conversationalist and that you enjoy their company. Try to include your child in your activities as much as possible. For instance, if you have some washing up to do, fill a saucepan with soapy suds and let your child play with it and think that they're helping. Giving children important 'grown-up' jobs to do, gives them confidence to act like adults.

  • Try to let your child socialize as much as possible, both with adults and children of a similar age. If you want your child to feel confident, then they have to feel comfortable in the company of others, so the best way to do this is to make interaction with people outside of your immediate family seem very normal.

  • It is undoubtedly important to say a firm 'no' to your child, whether you're trying to teach them social skills or keep them out of danger. However, unless it's necessary to scold your toddler, try to avoid talking to him or her in a negative tone of voice, as until they're familiar with the words that you're using, all they will hear is the sound of anger or sarcasm, neither of which are pleasant to hear.

  • It is important that in a relationship where you have a child, that you save time for each other as well as your little one. However, where possible, try and save your 'couple time' for periods where your toddler is sleeping. Your child needs to feel like he or she is a welcome part of the family, so when your toddler is awake try and make time to sit down as a family unit and chat together. Even though your toddler won't understand the discussions that are taking place, this will help to make them feel that they're an integral part of the family.

  • Never argue in front of your baby. Even without the knowledge of the words that you're using, children are amazing at picking up on negative vibes and tension. Unfortunately they won't know what is wrong, so will feel very insecure and anxious rather than relaxed and confident.

Try introducing these confidence tips by Helene Goldnadel into your relationship with your toddler straightaway. The more you can apply in your daily routine, the better.

Wednesday 31 October 2018

Be a Motivated Piano Teacher Who Inspires His Students

It has been said that a good learning environment and a group of participative, attentive and enthusiast students of music certainly begin with a highly motivated piano teacher. Your level of motivation greatly affects your students' levels of interest and enthusiasm. Remember that learning takes two to tango. It has to be a mutual process and since your students look up to you, you need to always be at your best - organized, focused, dedicated and motivated.

The Enthusiastic, Flexible and Organized Music Teacher

Just like any educators out there, a piano teacher is expected to be enthusiastic in many different ways. His being energetic, versatile and organized can be appreciated by your students. They would surely take those traits as your strengths and be able to evaluate you positively. An organized music teacher always plans ahead of time and carries with him or with her lots of activities that the class would enjoy and participate into.

The Creative and Innovative Piano Teacher

Creativity and humor work best in music and piano teaching. As their music teacher, you have to see to it that you always come to class with creative and innovative piano teaching resources and other classroom activities. Whether the activity is an indoor or an outdoor endeavor, it is important that they learn a lot from it as much as they enjoy and have fun. Integrating technology into the learning process has been proven to be very effective in motivating students of different ages and races.

The Good Conversationalist Teacher

Communication, in whatever form and kind, is a two-way process that includes speaking and listening. Effective speaking and good listening must go hand-in-hand as they can generate better learning and teaching relationships among individuals. A good conversationalist piano teacher knows how to deal and communicate with his or her students - appropriate language, tone, word choice, and even perfect timing.

The Great Piano Teacher. As the old cliché goes, a mediocre teacher tells, a good teacher explains, a superior teacher demonstrates, and a great teacher inspires. Well, Helene Goldnadel completely agrees with this. It sounds so true and realistic. We have to bear in mind that who we are and how we mold our learners - to become a better someone they want themselves to be, are far more important than what we say and what we teach. Music and piano teachers have to inculcate good thoughts and values to all their students - leading and redirecting them to a better future.

Hence, as a piano teacher who wants to motivate and inspires your students, Helene Goldnadel suggests that you teach from the heart and everything shall follow even without lifting a finger or making efforts. Surprisingly, you would appreciate and enjoy how your students love you as their mentor and friend - more than being their teacher.

So, let us all celebrate piano teaching today. Be the greatest piano teacher we have always dreamed of. Continue to inspire and touch a life - today and tomorrow. Happy piano teaching!

Tuesday 23 October 2018

Ways by Helene Goldnadel Your Child Can Benefit From Hobbies

We teach our children many of the skills and experiences to prepare them for adulthood. Home education and some form of formal or academic education, together with a wide range of social experiences help our children grow in many ways.

But what can we do to equip children with the unique skills and experiences that will enrich their lives in other ways?

Learning a hobby is the number one choice of Helene Goldnadel a life coach, for the enrichment of a child, and below are the reasons why:


  • Has great entertainment value - Hobbies are a wonderful opportunity for the extra-curricular development of your child, providing additional learning perspectives while the child is being entertained.
  • Makes good use of spare time - Instead of lounging around or watching excessive television or loitering in parks and streets, hobbies can be a great way to keep your child occupied in relevant activities which they enjoy.
  • Stops your child from getting bored - From time to time, all children complain of being bored. Having a hobby to engage their interest in, is invaluable in relieving that problem.
  • Encourages using external sources of information - Having a hobby can help your child to learn independently of an adult e.g. a child can learn to fold paper and make origami objects from a book; she can learn and make a delicious recipe from the internet; she can learn and try out hair-styling from an instructional CD.
  • Teaches different skills - E.g. crafting and cooking are hands on activities, sports exercise the whole body, puzzles challenge the mind, performing arts and debating develops verbal skills.
  • Improves motor skills - Crafting teaches fine finger-movements; cooking and sports such as badminton and tennis, teach hand-eye co-ordination; ball-games e.g. football, basketball etc. improve accuracy while skate-boarding improves balancing skills.
  • Increases listening skills - In addition to developing musical abilities, learning a musical instrument can result in your child learning all of the above (as listed in reason 6). It doesn't have to be music but listening to others' opinions, or the instructions of a martial arts' master can also increase your child's ability to listen carefully.
  • Develops fitness, strength and endurance - All sports including cycling, swimming and martial arts will help your child's physical capabilities and general state of health.
  • Improves social skills - Playing board games and team-sports encourages trust in others and trustworthiness. Participating in a choir or a gardening club requires a child to be less self-centred and more considerate, teaching her to act as a part of a whole.
  • Increases self-confidence - As a child improves in a particular skill, so does it increase the child's sense of self-esteem.
  • Develops strategic thinking - Your child's mind will be stretched beyond their daily thinking capacities when pursuing pastimes such as the classics: chess and draughts, board games like Ludo, some video games, Mancala, Chinese Checkers, Rubik's Cube, code-breaking games etc.
  • Improves deduction skills - Some activities will help your child to sharpen her ability to 'think outside the box' i.e. use the information available and use it in an unusual way. For example, some scouting activities may demand the development of deductive skills and innovative thinking under limited conditions.
  • Develops word-power and number-power - Any hobby which involves extensive use of the written word or numeracy skills will ultimately increase your child's competency in these crucial areas of communication. This may be as simple as reading and following an instructions manual for assembling a model.
  • Improves management skills - In order to make time for her chosen hobby or hobbies, your child will soon learn to manage her homework and chores. She will also improve in her management of time for other social arrangements such as spending time with family and friends.
  • Losing and winning - Competitive sports and activities teach children to be good sports, whether they win or lose. They can help your child to deal with anything less than success with grace, learning that winning is not always as important as participating

If your child doesn't already have a hobby which she enjoys in her spare time, offer her the opportunity to try out a few of the pastimes referred to in this article (or any other hobby you consider suitable for your child). If your child has a favorite hobby, encourage her to pursue it to the next level and support her activities by providing resources, time and opportunities which will help her to develop in different ways.

Also read: Amazing Effects of Music on Us Explained by Helene Goldnadel

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Music Education is A Bridge to Excel in The Entertainment Industry

Music Industry is the expansive hub of legions of talented professionals including artists, singers, writers, producers, directors, etc. Inside the nexus of performing arts, creativity and fusion of arts to attract and target the mass audience is the priority amongst professionals. In context to be a proficient and expert in music, various advanced learning institutions are established to impart good and advanced education. These advanced institutions offer degree and diploma program for better opportunities afterwards.

This industry has been topping because of the involvement of legions of passionate, workaholic and creative professionals like Helene Goldnadel. Education in this field is essential in the current times for a booming career in the music industry or inside any other entertainment domains. Prominent locations are topping due to the infrastructure and development, education & opportunities. There are various top music institutes where one can pursue a degree and diploma program to excel in the music and entertainment world.

The music industry has been witnessing happening upgrades for years that leads willing aspirant of different talents in various genres to the gateway of numerous opportunities. As per the current scenario, there is a huge demand for the Music composers, songwriters, artists, producers, and directors.

To excel and become a professional in the world of music and entertainment, education should be at the priority and a major step as well. Music and music production courses are offered inside various best institutes across the country. The institutions are on the rise with their extraordinary performance. Academics inside the campus take care of every task such as special sessions and interactive training programs.

This artistic profession since decades has been discussed and developed as a serious career option with variety of tasks, curriculum, opportunities, etc. All these essential elements are merged and introduced inside various renowned schools or institutions located at different notable locations. As per the success records in the industry, achievements of famous artists and composers attracts the attention of aspirants to desire a high-street life after earning good and advanced education in this field.

Friday 12 October 2018

What Are the Best Forms of Child Social Development?

Child social development is a very important and sometimes ignored aspect of the 'growing' years of a child. Many parents seem to focus only on the surface of child development, which will mainly be the emotional and educational development of a child. Marginalized sometimes is the psychological development that the child often experiences when they have experiential encounters as they are growing up. More importantly is the cognitive and sub conscious learning that these children often use as a form of absorption and internal education.

This is down to association through emotion. While these are mainly generalized concepts, this article by Helene Goldnadel will delve a bit deeper into the best forms of child social development any parent should be aware of when they are pondering about the mental, emotional and social health of their child. There is a social attributes checklist that you need to be aware of when considering the very fact that there are stages of social development that must be adhered to (loosely) and there are factors that affect this social behavior. One of the ways to gauge is to see how children act and are treated by their peers in school. Noticeable variances of normal social behavior would include things like abnormal levels of aggressiveness, no co-operation, stigmatizing themselves from the rest of the class and very demanding behavior.

You must also note that the child is not always dependent on the primary care givers for support, and that there is an almost invisible ring of protection that they draw around their parents and guardians and would very rarely come out of this They also would constantly look to their care givers more often to ensure that they are nearby. This is more common in toddlers and very young children and as they get older, they should be more independent. Early onset autism has these particular signs when a child of the appropriate age seems to be very dependent on his or her parents for protection. One of the best ways to child social development is to ensure that there is always a constant flow of social interaction with people from all ages.

Helene Goldnadel says that the most important quotient in the formula of social development is to make sure that he or she is constantly (in terms) surrounded by those of their own ages. Interaction at that level will ensure that the normal social faculties like dialogue, spontaneity, bonding and intellectual conversation (or observational and rational dissection in terms of children and pre-teens). While there are many programmes in place, the best form of child social development is the combination of observation and interaction.

Observation and knowledge about the many forms of development diseases like autism and dyspraxia is the key to healthy social development because of the integral reasons whereby you will be able to spot the early onset of any of these developmental conditions and be able to expand their social interaction by ensuring that he or she is never left alone and can gain access to groups of work and play.

Tuesday 25 September 2018

Reasons Why the Piano Is the Ideal Beginner Instrument: By Helene Goldnadel

There are so many people that would like to learn to play an instrument but don't know which one and where to start. You may be one of those people. As a music instructor of many years, teaching many types of instruments, let me make a recommendation. Learn to play the Piano, and here are the reasons discussed by Helene Goldnadel:
  • The piano is very visual. White keys and black keys, whole steps and half steps. This makes it very easy to see how music theory works!
  • The tunes produced sounds great right away. On the violin, voice or trumpet, for example, it can take years to produce a clean tone that is on pitch. This can be frustrating and even discouraging, because beautiful music has to wait. On the piano the music is instantly accessible.
  • You can improvise right away! Start with all black keys - they spell a pentatonic scale. On the piano, there are no 'bad' sounding notes.
  • The piano can fulfill many functions in a band - accompaniment or rhythm guitar, melody playing, soloing, walking bass lines.... the possibilities are endless, and so is the fun!
  • Sing and play! Be the life of the party, knocking out the chords to known songs.
  • You can play any style on the piano. From Jazz to Bluegrass and anything in between. A keyboard can imitate any instrument imaginable.
  • Many tasks of a professional musician are done on the piano - composing, arranging, inputting scores for print out. Solid piano technique comes in handy no matter what your end goal is!

Because of all the points noted above, piano lessons can be fun and very rewarding. Learning to play the piano allows you to see progress very quickly and therefore stay motivated to improve.

To learn more, please visit here:

Friday 21 September 2018

Piano Lessons with Intuitive Teaching Has Good Results

Teaching piano is not less challenging to children. One thing is true that they make everything exciting and are teachable. Learning opportunities now are filled with endless options and taking the privilege to put it into proper use is mandatory. Getting children to focus on something is really challenging, even if it means holding them for over five minutes. In fact, a bird flying or a strange noise is enough to excite a child and bring a quick halt to learning opportunities such as piano learning. Of course this does not mean the piano lessons must be stopped. Just consider below easy and quick tips by Helene Goldnadel a music teacher, to succeed at the piano so that children are able to hold the real FOCUS:
  • Restrict the practice time to not over 15 minutes, it can be 12 minutes, but not 16 minutes. This should be done considering individual child's capabilities. Also remember that even studies have proved that short sessions of practice are more productive and it is done with less frustration. This is more essential with piano lessons as small time concentration also helps in memorizing the note with perfection.
  • Minimize distractions, to the best. Close blinds while practicing, turn off computer and TV; keep the room plain without colorful or bright pictures. It does not take much time for the kids to get diverted or catch their attention. So, ensure no interference and even if you find one, get them back without chiding.
  • Talk about short term goals that the teacher will assign every week. The piano teacher will teach, but parents also try teaching children about the focus. Allow them to accomplish and take control. They will do it their way, as even the very young ones know their way. However, if the teacher finds they are unable to get the way to their goal, give them their personal learning process time.
  • Set a timer. In case you inform the children they should practice for long hours, they will refuse at the first step itself. This is because it takes them to thinking that this has no finishing line. Children are nowadays concrete thinkers, so set 10 minutes and permit them to pick a sound in the piano to signal time up. This will give them good control of their time and you can ask them to give different piano notes every day. In this way they practice new notes and are also happy to do it that learning becomes easy.

Teaching piano lessons to children has amazing cognitive benefits. Of course, it may be for a very short time, but it does teach your child the way to concentrate, push themselves and work hard. It is not simple to practice daily; it involves focus, patience and discipline. Giving children challenging opportunities, makes them prepared to push themselves to higher accomplishments. Regardless of whether it is piano music lessons or school exams, this is a skill that is best practiced with piano lessons so that it benefits entire life.

If you want to read more, visit here!

Saturday 15 September 2018

Introduction to Electric Guitars by Helene Goldnadel

The electric guitar has become one of the most popular instruments, as well as one of the most versatile instruments in modern music, since it was first developed in the 1930s. It is little wonder so many people want to learn electric guitar; it's such an exciting and expressive instrument, and is suited to almost any style of music. But have you ever thought what makes it so versatile? How it differs from acoustic and classical guitars? There are many ways to differentiate between acoustic guitars and electric guitars. Helene Goldnadel discusses some of them below:

The first and most obvious is that whereas acoustic guitars have hollow bodies, electrics usually have solid bodies. Electric guitars have pickups that help in producing sound so they don't need a sound box like acoustic guitars. Because of the fact they have to be amplified, their sound can be shaped and modified by all manner of effects to produce some very unique sounds. They also normally have much lighter strings than acoustic guitars, as well as more frets, and easier access to the high end of the neck. Because of this, the electric guitar is ideally suited to playing solos and lead parts, and over the years many new techniques of playing it have been developed.

The need for an electric guitar arose due to the classic guitar being too quiet to contribute to the music a band produced in many various settings. This problem particularly began obvious in the concert hall music of the 1880’s. Later, the big band of the 20’s got their power and swing from the drums and brass. That is when the acoustic guitar became a second-tier instrument, producing melodies that not even the musicians of the band could hear in many cases. This is when the need for an innovation for the guitar was obvious. George Beauchamp, who designed the very first crude electric guitar right in his house, played Hawaiian guitar, and according to guitar historian Richard Smith, Hawaiian music as a genre was a key factor in the invention of the electric guitar.

There are many manufacturers of electric guitars, and they all have many different models. They all vary in design, but the body of an electric guitar usually falls into one of two types.

For example, Gibson guitars fall into the single-cut with a cutaway at the bottom of the guitar category. Hollow body guitars by PRS with a slightly more accessible fret board at the end.

ESP guitars are also very versatile instruments that cater to a musician who wants to play any specific genre. ESP guitars (Korean made) come equipped with EMG pickups that sound different and punchy.

For more reading, please visit here:

Wednesday 5 September 2018

Key Strategies by Helene Goldnadel for Parental Involvement in a Child's Musical Education

Parental involvement in a child's musical education is more important than before.

Usually, the age when children normally begin learning musical instruments is the age when they need lots of encouragement and approval. Parental involvement can help foster their children's growth and at the same time see rapid results.

Read further for the key ways suggested by Helene Goldnadel a music instructor, you can be involved in your child's progress:

1) Be supportive of their choice of musical instrument.

OK, you've never been very fond of loud noise, so it might be a little uncomfortable when your child tells you he wants to play the trumpet. However, realize that your child's choice of musical instrument reflects his interests. Whether he chooses a loud or soft instrument, your child is still showing a desire to express himself through music. If he decides he wants to sound really good on, say, drums, this goal will motivate him to spend significant amounts of time practicing, rather than being bored or restless.

2) Help them set a consistent daily practice time.

Consistency is key. For beginners, Helene Goldnadel recommends practicing 30 minutes a day. But 30 minutes all at once may seem like forever! So, work with your child to incorporate practice time into their schedule. And remember, it doesn't need to be 30 minutes consecutively. Does your child have 10 free minutes between breakfast and having to catch the school bus? Set aside those 10 minutes for practice time. What about 10 more minutes as soon as she gets home? The last 10 minutes can in the evening, either before or after homework. Make sure that you are aware of the practice schedule, and gently remind your child when it is time to practice.

3) Encourage them to perform for you several times a week.

During elementary and middle school, children are still at an age where they seek your approval and want to make you happy. So, let them do that! How about asking them to hold a concert for you once or twice a week? Tell them they can decide what songs they want to play, and then set up an area in your family room where they can give the concert. If there are older siblings, ask them to be present as well. After the concert, make sure to tell your child specific things you enjoyed about their performance.

4) Take them to different types of concerts and musical theater events.

Constant exposure to music at an early age helps to gain an awareness and appreciation for quality music. If music is a constant in your home environment, then your child will sub-consciously absorb its positive influence. By exposing your child to recordings and performances, your child will begin to develop a natural ear for what good music can sound like. Many schools and local theaters have performances throughout the year. Great opportunities abound, so make sure to take advantage of them.

5) Praise them for every accomplishment.

Praise must be genuine. If it is false or is merely masking criticism, your child will pick up on it. No matter what level your child is at, there will be something positive to praise. Whether it is learning a new note or a new song, be proud of your child for that. Praise them in front of their siblings or friends. They will remember your positive words, and it will serve to motivate them in an invaluable way.

6) Select a teacher who is compatible with your child's personality

Since band directors have on average thirty to forty students to instruct during any given class, it's very hard to address each child's individual needs. If you decide to seek outside help by inviting a private teacher to work with your child, keep in mind that the teacher's personality is as equally important as his/her background and accomplishments. If your child feels like he can trust his teacher, he will be more inspired to practice outside of lessons, and you will notice much quicker progress.

7) Reward your child.

In addition to verbal praise, give your child tangible rewards. For example, when she has achieved a personal goal, take her out for ice cream, her favorite movie, or a day at the zoo. Or perhaps reward her with a CD from her favorite flutist.

If you follow these key strategies by Helene Goldnadel for involvement in your child's musical education, you will notice significant improvement in your child's progress.

Sunday 2 September 2018

Turn Your Music Classes Better with Music Practice Charts

Teaching music is probably one of the hardest things on earth. The task becomes even more difficult when you have to teach music to small children. It is not like teaching just any other subject; rather a lot of hard work is put by music teachers to instill progress in their students. They may feel frustrating at times when they see no progress in their students. Even if music teachers put into their best efforts to make kids learn music in the most fun way, it is the children who might lose interest in learning music. To whatsoever extent you go during such a time, all of your good efforts would turn out to be unproductive, the result of which your frustration rises to inconsiderable levels.

So, you may be thinking what you are supposed to do at this point of time to make your students learn music so that they do not feel bore? Helene Goldnadel a music instructor says one such very effective music teaching aid is music practice charts. These are basically interfaces between the music teachers and their students or their parents. Children are by nature hard to control and initially they take up music classes just because of the reason they get to play different instruments. When the excitement gets over, children also tend to lose their interest from the music classes. Helene Goldnadel observes through music practice charts, you can probably change the entire picture.

So you might be thinking what you are supposed to do with music practice charts. All you have to do is fill in the chart every week with the assigned tasks that the students have to do. Following these assignments, you have to set proper reminders so that you can check them on time. By setting interesting assignments, you could make your music classes more fun and enjoyable. In this way, the students as well as their parents would come to know about the things that have to be considered. Music practice charts are great way to gauge the student's performance as well as their capabilities.

Wednesday 29 August 2018

Factors to Consider Before Joining The Dance Classes

Do you think that you have a flare for dancing and you want to go pro in this sector? In that case, it is the high time for you to join the best dance school near to your home. In this stressful world, involving yourself in cultural activities is the best way to get over all sorts of problems that keep coming back to your life. Dance, especially, proves to be an area that can energize the mood of people from all ages. Moreover, dancing has some healthy effect, and therefore, many zumba classes are arranged by professionals to keep your energy tuned along with the health.

A survey has proved that dancing can even make a person smarter! Stimulating your mind by dancing can help you curing many diseases as well. However, once you have decided to proceed with your dancing passion, you must register in the best dance studio. There are an uncountable number of dance studios in Peterborough that provide excellent advantages to the learners. Here, you can get a close association with qualified instructors as well. A learner should remember that studios that end up fulfilling your requirements may not the perfect one to choose.

How to choose the best dance class?

Hence, before joining any dance classes, make sure that you are not selecting any wrong place that fails to make your dream come true. Let's check some factors discussed by Helene Goldnadel a life coach that you should consider while choosing a dance school -

Experienced instructors:

Individuals, who wish to become an expert dancer, must take admission in one of the most-prominent schools. Therefore, it is vital to check whether your mentor or instructor is experienced in this field. A certified tutor can guide you properly to keep your enthusiasm high. The instructors of top dance studios help you to explore new dancing skills in you. They urge you to do more practice as well. Moreover, the mentor becomes the source of motivation that encourages you to achieve your dream.

Observe the technique they apply:

Of course, you should check what techniques the mentors are applying while instructing in their dance classes. Visit the class before you register and take a close observation of the pupils. The behavior of instructors and their teaching techniques always play a major role that gives flame to your dream. A school that gives priority to the art form ends up achieving best responses from the students as well.

Types of dances they introduce:

Are you looking for any particular dance type? Then, you must check whether your selected school offers this particular form of dance. Keep in mind that you should not become a jack in all trades. So, register for one kind of dance form and try to master in that field only. A dance studio that offers all forms of dance divided into different class schedules can help you to explore your skills. They allow you to register for your desired dancing form as well.

Go through the facility structure:

'Quality' - is an important word that describes how efficient the dance school is. A studio that offers classes at lowers price but fail to provide excellent training will never receive good responses from dance enthusiasts. However, top-most schools introduce some rules to their pupils. They have a particular dress code and the classes are carefully divided into small batches according to the dance forms. Also, these dance studios maintain their punctuality and discipline as well.

Trustworthy dance studio:

Of course, a dance school that has gained years of experience stands to be trustworthy. But, you may wonder what about the new schools and inexperienced ones? Always remember, an old school knows the techniques. They are experts in both traditional and modern dance forms that an inexperienced school may lack in. So, choose that one who has been gaining experience for decades.

Saturday 25 August 2018

Helene Goldnadel Believes Kids Can Learn Life Lessons from Dance Classes

Helene Goldnadel a life coach is of the view that kids can learn a number of life lessons from participating in dance classes. No matter what type of dance lessons they take, kids can learn how to work with others, develop a great sense of self-esteem and more.

Many kids participate in some sort of physical activity and there are activities to fit nearly every kid's interest. Things like soccer, basketball, gymnastics and more are all fun things for kids to do, but some of the most popular are dance classes. There are a number of different types of lessons, including a tap or ballet class. Whether you sign your child up for one class or have them in a number of different activities, here are some of the life lessons discussed by Helene Goldnadel that kids can learn from participating in dance classes.

Dance Classes Foster Teamwork

Teamwork is an important lesson to learn. Kids who work together in a ballet class or other type of class will be able to use these teachings throughout their entire life. Whether it's in an academic setting or in the office, the ability to work with others is a vital life skill that will be used for years to come.

Classes Can Encourage Politeness

Have you ever wished that your child was exceptionally polite to teachers, babysitters and other people you encounter every day? Dance lessons can help encourage that discipline and politeness. Children will learn how to listen attentively and the discipline that's required to participate in these classes will carry on to life outside the studio.

Dance Lessons Create A Love Of Physical Activity

Staying physically active throughout your lifetime keeps your body healthy, but the benefits go far beyond that. Beginning a fitness routine that includes dance classes can help kids later in life. Adults who are physically active have fewer problems with their health and find it easier to remain at a healthy weight. Additionally, physical activity lowers your risk of cardiovascular disease, boosts your mood, improves your energy levels and even helps you fall asleep and stay asleep. Although it might seem like these things don't matter as a child, each of these benefits can help as your child enters into adulthood and they can set your child up for a lifetime of healthy living. What parent doesn't want that for their child?

Increase Self Esteem Through A Ballet Class

Fostering a great sense of self-esteem is important. Kids who feel good about themselves are more confident and will be able to tackle new activities or conflict head on without running from it. Kids with a low self-esteem can be hesitant to try new things or worry constantly that they might not be good at a new activity. When your child shares something they've accomplished at ballet class, take an interest and ask them to show you what they've learned. Your interest and their accomplishment will help them feel great about themselves and can help encourage them to branch out in other new activities.

There are a number of benefits of dance lessons -- these are just a few. Although other types of physical activity that can provide the same benefit these classes are some of the most fun for children of all ages. Consider calling a local studio to ask about these classes for children -- the lessons there can last your child a lifetime.

Tuesday 21 August 2018

How to Develop your Child’s Interest in Art and Craft?

Arts and crafts can be the great ways to help children develop interest in creative things and also gain the ability to appreciate the finer details of life.

From drawing and painting, craft to any other type of project that involves making use of creativity, together with out-of-the-box thinking can help develop the child’s mental stimulation together with making the child a more rounded individual. If you want your children to have a complete personality, then it’s crucial to develop their interest in art and craft at an early age and here are five tips by Helene Goldnadel a music instructor to help you in your mission of bringing your children closer to the world of art and crafts.

1) Show your Children that Art can be Fun 

Children are more liable to be interested in arts and crafts if you make it look and sound fun. Instead of sending kids off to their room with a coloring book and some art and craft supplies like crayons or sketch pens, you can try to turn it into a game or a fun activity. Always join your kids in their art experiments and turn it into a team activity. This way you can also bond with your children better and give them some memories to cherish once they grow up. Also, another crucial thing is never to force art upon your children or it will take away all the fun and learning from it. So be encouraging without being too pushy.

2) Target their Interests

Taking tip number 1 a little further, a good way of encouraging your children into taking up art and crafts is by focusing on their interest area. For example, if your children are fond of watching superhero cartoons on television, then you can start their journey into the art world by beginning with some superhero project. If the art work is based on something that your children like or adore, then there are more chances that they will enjoy it better. So, it is important that you base the creative endeavor on something your children are interested in.

3) Invest in some Good Quality Art and Craft Supplies

Small children are naturally attracted towards new, shiny and colorful objects. While art and craft supplies are naturally colorful, you can choose the more appealing ones with pictures of cartoon characters or superheroes on the cover and go in for school stationery in attractive shapes and colors as such art and craft supplies are bound to be even more attractive to children. Also, never underestimate the importance of good quality when it comes to choosing art and craft supplies are good quality will always boost the performance of your budding artists.

4) Take your Children along to Buy Art and Craft Supplies

Visiting a craft store with your kids will help to expose your children to a wide variety of arts and craft supplies like crayons, painting brushes, poster paints, acrylic paints, glass and fabric paints, glitters, different types of paper, craft tools etc. Let your children pick out the art and craft supplies that they like and this way they will always be interested in art.

5) Decorate your Home with Art your Children Have Created

This is a sure shot way to get kids glued to art and crafts. Displaying the works of art that your children have created on the mantle, the showcase, on top of the fridge or on the living room table is perhaps the best way to encourage them. When your children see their artwork decorating the house they will not just feel happy but will also realize that what they have created is beautiful and has value.

To learn more, please click here

Wednesday 15 August 2018

Helene Goldnadel Violin Lessons Can Deliver Great Physical Benefits For The Kids!

There is always a mystique, as far as violin is concerned which uses to surround this amazing musical instrument. Among all stringed musical instrument, violin is the most popular and well known one. Due to this reason, such musical instrument does attract more kids and generates interest among them to play violin. It often looks sophisticated when you hold the violin and try to play it. It's the age between seven to ten when a child can become more fascinated about learning violin. However, this age limit also varies! Helene Goldnadel music lessons are something that not only helps a child to develop as a musician but also offer other great benefits which are important for the rest of his life. Before you join the violin lessons, you always need to know the types of benefits it can deliver for you.

Children can reap different types of physical benefits when they learn violin. Kids learning violin at Helene Goldnadel music classes can become more flexible and strong physically. The upper body portion is greatly used to play this musical instrument. Due to this reason, it starts to strengthen when a child learns violin. Both memory as well as skills is needed to learn this stringed instrument. And when a kid uses to learn violin, his muscles around the fingers and arms starts to become stronger. Using the memory power can even help a kid to learn more new and exciting techniques to play violin.

As far as the physical benefits are concerned, a child's body posture can really improve when he learn violin. In order to play this musical instrument, correct body posture should be maintained. And when this falls into a habit for your kid, his total body posture becomes better. Due to this reason, his shoulders, back, and the upper arms will also become stronger. While playing the violin, you need to sit up right. During this time, the upper arms and the shoulders start to bear additional weight of violin as well as its bow. So, the kid's muscles around the shoulders, back and the upper arms starts to become stronger than before.

The next physical benefit a kid can receive while going for the violin lessons is that his little fingers can become stronger. This occurs for the little fingers on both the hands. It's the fingers on his left hand which will receive the nimbleness due to the quick movements that he needs to perform along the string. On the other hand, the right hand fingers will take control of the bow as well as coordinate the movements with fingers of left hand.

Well, when your kid is going for such music lessons, he may come across some kind of strain. When he is learning violin for the first time, on some occasions he may complain about tired shoulders, arms, and the back. Well, going for the Helene Goldnadel violin lessons will help your kid to learn some specific types of stretches that can be done to get rid of such tiredness. These stretches can loosen the sore and tense muscles that result when he plays violin.

Also read: Helene Goldnadel Singing Lesson - A Healthy Expression For Children

Thursday 9 August 2018

Guitar Lesson For Kids - The Art of Playing Rhythm

One could say that playing lead guitar is more "cool" than playing rhythm. But guitarists who are really good at rhythm are just as cool.
Helene Goldnadel a music instructor
says that playing rhythm is an art. It takes a lot of hard work to become really good at it. But the rewards are great.

Some of the great rhythm players from pop or rock and roll include Eric Clapton, John Lennon, and Nancy Wilson (Heart). John Lennon was considered to be a genius at rhythm by many people. Many people don't know this, but Eric Clapton has done a lot of rhythm session work for many famous pop /rock artists.

Rhythm is all about learning the strum patterns and "coloring" them with accents. Think of an accent as a down or up strum struck slightly harder (or more than slightly if needed). When you practice your rhythm patterns, try accenting on the 1 and 3 counts (if you are in 4/4 time). After you master that, try accenting on the 2 and 4 counts. You will notice a huge difference in the way the strum pattern sounds. Next, try accenting on the 1 and the 4 count. These three styles of accents are massively used in pop and rock music, so take the trouble to learn them.

Once you have mastered these patterns and their different accent styles, increase your speed (or tempo) a little bit at a time. Eventually, you want to be able to play these patterns at a very fast speed, but you need to be patient with this. Do it one step at a time.

Eventually you will also learn that there are different styles regarding how you play rhythm on an electric guitar as opposed to an acoustic guitar - At least as it is commonly played in pop / rock music.

But first things first. Learn the basic stuff. After you have done that, you will be able to figure the style differences out for yourself. In the meantime, you're making music.

To learn more, please click here!

Saturday 4 August 2018

Teaching Music to Kids - Why Not Have Fun With It?

It's a popular perception of majority of elders, that encouraging kids to learn music is absolute wastage of time. Parents believe that children ought to instead focus on academic learning rather than diverting time and energy towards learning music. Nevertheless, little do parents realize that musical education is as critical as normal studies. In fact, musical education is known to contribute more towards all round learning and growth of kid than academics education.

If your child wants to learn to play a musical instrument. He or she is really excited about the idea. Either this or you decide that you want to get your child involved in playing SOMETHING. Once you decide on which instrument, your challenge is to keep up the excitement level for your child. In the beginning, this is really difficult because many kids lose interest once they discover how hard it is to master an instrument, and they don't have the discipline to practice every day. In addition, the method courses available do not take this in mind.

Helene Goldnadel a life coach and a music teacher says that music is a universal language. Before a child can truly appreciate what he or she is about to undertake, at least some idea of this "passion for music" needs to be instilled. How?

It starts with making it fun. The problem is that most courses make no attempt to do so. A child must learn to read music and must learn to play the "right" way. The learning material is dry or even insipid. This needs to be changed. Yes, it is important to learn good technique, and it may even be necessary (because of the instrument) to learn how to read. But how much of this has to happen at the very beginning when your child has this shiny new "thing" in his or her hands and is revved up about learning to play it?

For goodness sake, in the beginning make it fun first. Get the kid able to play something. There's plenty of time to learn how to read music if the child decides to, or if circumstances require it - such as being part of a school orchestra or marching band.

We will be able to get more kids involved in making music if we can only show them how much fun it really is. Will this work all of the time? Of course not, but we can certainly try to increase the percentages.